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Tamara Amestica


Co-Founder & Transpersonal Coach


Originally from Santiago de Chile, Tamara is a precocious businesswoman. Raised in an entrepreneurial marriage, she is part of the 2nd generation of the most important and emblematic outdoor advertising company in Venezuela. He has worked hand in hand with his family for more than 20 years, which has allowed him to live the experience of family dynamics in a company.

Tamara has a Master in Marketing, Communication and Multimedia from the Institute for Executive Development of Spain in Chile (IEDE). Additionally, he is studying the Diploma in Transpersonal Psychology and Integral Primordial Coaching from the School of Transpersonal Psychology of Mendoza, in Argentina. Today she is dedicated to helping people to enhance the capacities they have to achieve the goals they have set for themselves in life. Tamara is a Transpersonal Coach and aims to help people in their process of discovery, self-knowledge and awakening of their basic abilities.

His approach is to develop a coaching process based on linguistic, body, emotional and energetic techniques. She starts from the philosophy that only internal change enables external changes . The Primordial coach places the fundamental, existential, core issues at the center of his attention and from there generates transformation processes that opt for all the practical and concrete challenges of everyday life. It considers that the work with the being is basic to later build Group dynamics. Family and effective Organizational.


The way of awakening a Conscious Entrepreneurial Family is that each individual who agrees has gone through a process of self-knowledge of their deepest motivations, their strengths and their weaknesses, so that, starting from there, they can embark on a new, broader vision, flexible, and enriching both for him and for the rest of his team. In this way, the person can assume leadership responsibly, being protagonists of his story.


Transcending the values, visions and philosophy of the Business Family from one generation to the other will be easier if the two views are balanced between the needs of the individual (being) and the collective (family).


The focus on the younger generations is aimed at recognizing themselves as universal beings with great capacities to empower themselves and recognize their emotions (inner knowledge), knowing how to express them (emotional intelligence). Develop empathy, concern for the other. They will make them more conscious and committed to the family, companies and their workers.

Tamara is dedicated to helping people re-discover and empower their sense of purpose.

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