Mercedes Di Vora
PhD Kansas University
Researcher & Author

Mercedes has been dedicated to the research of knowledge applicable for the development and integral strengthening of the human being for more than four decades.
His most notorious investigations are those related to the Brain and the Neuro-psychophysiological Theory of Learning applied to the formation of the individual and his relationship with himself and his environment.
Mercedes has specialized in guiding people towards these neurophysiological principles of learning in order to maximize and integrate human potential as a multi-level strategy to achieve health and well-being in all its dimensions.
Among the most recurring and requested topics are the Brain, its structures, functioning and its relationships with behavior, all based on the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual dimensions of the individual.
These investigations have been concretized in his most recent book entitled "Brain and Something Else (2014), Ediciones Signos IPAPEDI, from the University of Carabobo, Venezuela", where he contributes part of his investigations begun more than 15 years ago. This new book is the update of a previous publication called "Brain, Learning, Creativity" also published in 1994 by the Research Institute of the University of Carabobo in Venezuela.
Mercedes has been a Unesco Consultant, at the Paris headquarters, for over a decade. In her professional career, she has been a guest speaker at radio, television and conferences of various disciplines in countries such as Mexico, Argentina, Venezuela, Peru, the Dominican Republic, as well as in several European countries such as Bulgaria, Spain, Italy, Russia and the United States.
Mercedes obtained a Doctorate in Education from the University of Kansas in the city of Laurence (USA). She is also a retired Full Professor at the University of Carabobo in Valencia, Venezuela and a member of the Spanish Creativity Society.
Today he focuses on teaching and consulting oriented to interpersonal and community communication, with the intention of promoting change and transformation that allows the individual to respond to their personal and professional challenges within the framework of their community.
Mercedes currently resides in Miami, USA.