Corporate Governance

Board Setup
At Competitive Legacy LLC we have developed a systemic process that facilitates the design, formation and implementation of a Professional Board that honors the principles of Good Corporate Governance, before shareholders and interest groups of a company, or group of companies related on a corporate basis.
On the way to forming this Board of Directors, we seek to guarantee its independence through conduct that strikes a balance between transparency and confidentiality, to reaffirm trust and responsibility. Some of the points to be discussed include:
Number of external (non-executive) and independent directors vs. shareholders and/or executive directors.
Strategic Approach of the Organization.
Fiduciary Status of the Board of Directors.
Nomination, Selection and Remuneration of the Board of Directors.
This Board and the nature of its composition can serve as a guarantor for national or international investment institutes when they are beneficiaries of economic programs.
Board Assessment
How can you maximize the return on investment measured in time and money directed to the members of a Board of Directors? How much does your Board of Directors help you think about and direct your company, or group of companies?
At Competitive Legacy LLC we have developed a methodology that allows us to evaluate the performance of the Board of Directors. Determine if they are fulfilling their fiduciary responsibility to care for and increase shareholders' wealth, and identify opportunities to make these meetings productive, strategic and very effective sessions. Among the variables we evaluate are:
Professional and moral competencies (conflicts of interest) of the members of the Board of Directors.
Gender diversity and expertise.
Taking advantage of opportunities in the environment.
Concept and Strategic Approach of the company, among other variables considered.
Well-structured boards guarantee a very attractive Return on Investment (ROI) for their shareholders.

Non Executive Board Member
The culture towards the performance of a professional Board of Directors can be clouded by the same behavior of shareholders and/or directors who ignore the culture and criteria of Good Corporate Governance practices.
That is why we have created this Independent Non-Executive Director service, where we enter as a member of the Board of Directors with the right to speak and vote, acting in a fiduciary manner in favor of the interests of the company.
The focus of our participation is centered around:
Challenge, debate and propose strategies for the sustainable success of the company in the long term.
Monitor the performance of the CEO and his Executive Committee.
Ensure the quality and veracity of financial information.
Follow up on the strategic objectives set
Challenge the status quo of management and shareholders, motivating the development of innovative products and/or services, among other strategic level functions.
Our goal is to increase the Shareholder Return on Investment (ROI and RoE) through constructive and enjoyable Board sessions that open the space to reach agreements in a positive way.