Family Governance

Cataloging and Collection Curation
The cataloging and curating of works of art, antiques and books is the main tool to know the heritage value of the family collection.
This allows actions to be taken to safeguard, preserve and transcend the family's artistic legacy.
Our methodology, curated by years of professional experience, facilitates the organization and conceptualization of the collection as a spiritual component that distinguishes the family. Among the services we offer are:
Inventory of art, antiques and books collection.
Conceptualization and criteria for the organization of the collection according to areas, themes, techniques or periods.
Detailed research on the objects and documents in the collection.
Appraisal of works of art, antiques and books.
Diagnostic reports on the physical state of the collection.
Recommendations on the conservation, storage and installation of collection objects.
Each of these services culminates with a deliverable that serves as a guide for the complete care of the collection.
Appraisal and Art Certification
In addition to their emotional, symbolic and aesthetic meaning, the works of art, antiques and books in the family collection have economic value.
Part of that value is related to the market price and the certification of those goods by a specialist.
We offer:
Work appraisal report, according to an updated study of its market price
Management of certification of authorship of works, according to an updated study of its author, characteristics and origin.

Artist Dossier
When there is an artist in the family it is important to have their professional information properly organized and updated.
The Dossier is a valuable resource for this purpose, allowing a profile of the artist, where the most outstanding aspects of his work and his creative career are coherently reflected.
Our Service caters advice for the preparation of the artist's dossier, including the statement, selection of works and her biography.
Editing and Publications
The study of the family collection by a specialist can lead to the publication of analytical catalogs or thematic books that allow the cultural significance of the family artistic heritage to be disseminated.
The editing and printing of catalogs and books, properly structured, designed and printed, is
Our Services to the Artist:
Editing content for catalogs and books.
Writing analytical texts for catalogs and books
Translation of texts from catalogs and books
Catalog and book printing management